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        Current location: Home > Products > Colposcope System

        Colposcope Imaging System

        KN-2200A Video Colposcope

        Scope of application:

         For clinical examination of the vulva, vagina, and cervix.

        Product Details:

        The digital colposcope imaging system combines digital imaging technology with colposcopy. It is suitable for gynecological examinations of the vulva, vagina, and cervix.

        It can magnify observed images to a certain extent, revealing subtle lesions that are not visible to the naked eye.

        Through a computer, the observed images can be captured, processed, provided with pathological indications, reported, and analyzed statistically, maximizing the efficacy of colposcopic examinations and better meeting the future demands of "digitalization" in medical imaging.

        More Details

        High Color-rendering CCD

        High-brightness LED light source,

        significantly enhances contrast and detail in cervical tissue imaging.

        Flexibly positioned swing arm bracket, allowing for free adjustment of lens position and angle.

        High Color-rendering CCD
        Portable Zoom Button

        Zoom operation can be performed 

        while observing the lesion tissue

        Portable Zoom Button
        With PC, HD Display and Printer

        Capable of providing integrated examination and

        report generation services.

        With PC, HD Display and Printer
        Metal Material Trolley

        Integrated design, lightweight and flexible, 

        suitable for various types of examination rooms.

        Metal Material Trolley
        Palm-controlled handle design

        User-friendly control panel with multifunctional single-hand operation.

        Palm-controlled handle design

        Related academic literature

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