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        Home Phototherapy


        Scope of application:

        Used in clinical settings or under a physician's guidance for patients to perform uv exposure treatment of vitiligo, psoriasis, pityriasis rosea, and eczema skin diseases at home.

        Product Details:
        • KN-4006A/B & AL/BL is a compact ultraviolet phototherapy device.

        • The light source uses ultraviolet lamps produced by Philips, khigh stability and long lifespan.

        • Multiple configurations available for selection.

        • Unique structural design, compact size, lightweight, easy to move, and portable for patients.

        • Optional full-process voice prompt function available.

        More Details

        Special medical UV bulb

        high intensity and long lifespan

        Special medical UV bulb
        Unique structure design

        Compact size and lightweight

        Unique structure design

        suitable for travelling or business trip

        Multiple models available
        Multiple models available
        Philips UV bulb

        The light source uses ultraviolet lamps produced by Philips, featuring high stability and long lifespan.

        Philips UV bulb

        Related academic literature

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